Post #9 - The Weekend Before

We have everything laid out for packing.  Doc Frazier, my world traveling buddy, told me to lay it out and take half of it.  We are sorting through that, and he has given great advice.

Dr. Greg Frazier

Audra: Friday was my last day of work for the next four weeks.  I am an associate high school principal and the time off is much needed.  Taking care of everyone else’s teenagers for 9 months deserves a reprieve.  Many of my coworkers, friends and family have inquired about the trip and are a bit amazed I would tag along with John.  After all, a very small percentage of the US population drives a car to Alaska, a smaller number are on a motorcycle and we may be the only couple on the planet this year to ride all the way to the Arctic Circle, 2-Up.  Yeah, as I think about it more, it is an incredible commitment.  I just love John’s adventurous spirit and I love being with him, and I actually enjoy riding the bike.  No doubt the ride will be a challenge at times, but overcoming adversity (riding in rain all day) will add spice to the ride and a great sense of accomplishment, cementing the memories.

John:  This weekend, I finally dove back into the bike to check and adjust the valves, screw in new spark plugs and change all the oils and filters.  It was a 5 hour affair, but everything went smoothly, until this morning…….  I jumped on the bike to give it a test run and check off some errands in town.  Low and behold, the “Check Oil” light promptly glared in my face.  A little challenge that dampened my Sunday morning.  After a lot of checking and an hour of surfing the BMW online forums, I found a possible source for the warning light.  I had to check the oil pressure sensor.  Long story short, when buttoning the bike up after the valve check, I crimped a tiny wire running to the sensor, severing it.  Ten minutes of work, splicing the wire and the Beemer is good to go and I have 100% confidence in her.  


  1. John and Audra- we just saw this on Two Wheeled Texans! You are going to have so much fun doing this trip together! My husband and I went twice- once on a gold wing and once on a KTM1190. Chris had been twice before and I told him he could not go back without me! The first trip was flawless and without weather or bike issues. The second trip - last August- I had to fly home early because of a family emergency- but the trip was great until then. We are already planning to go back and finish it. Having done blogs both times- it can become frustrating to update due to sketchy wifi- so don't let that discourage you. It is fun to go back later and have reminders of the whole experience! Have a wonderful time and we will be following your blog!
    Chris and Susan Burns

  2. Just subscribed, looking forward to the pictures.
